The protection of your personal data is important for us, therefore, we pay special attention to the protection of personal data of all persons with whom we entertain commercial operations, as well as to the private life of the visitors of EUROSIC website, according to (EU) Rule 2016/679 of European Parliament and Council, dated 27th April 2016 related to processing and free circulation of personal data (“GDPR”).
In order to understand how your personal data is dealt with, we are kindly asking you to read carefully the Privacy Policy. This Policy presents the manner how our company understands and observes the principles of personal data protection as well as your rights related to how your data is used in our business processes.
The processing of personal data by EUROSIC will be always governed by the disposals of EU Rule 679 – 2016. By this Policy of protection of personal data, we would like to inform all our clients, partners and suppliers related to the nature of personal data collected and processed by us, the scope of such processing and your rights thereof.
EUROSIC is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights related to the contents of this website, including, but not limited to, articles, text, photos, illustrations, music, audio and video, trademarks, emblems and patterns.
No section of the intellectual property contents of this website may be reproduced, shared or published under any form or by any means, without prior written consent of EUROSIC. Consequently, the visitors of website must understand and consent not to amend, sell, share or create works/creations/derivate relying on the images and data published on this website.
The personal data operator is the company EUROSIC SA, specialised low voltage switchboard / panel construction, with the seat at 46C, Fabricii St., District 6, 060825 – Bucharest, Romania.
The visitors of website have the possibility to contact on any moment the Personal Data Manager directly, related to any issue concerning this policy, using the contact data below:
Personal data manager of EUROSIC:
Mail address EUROSIC SA, 46C, Fabricii st., District 6, 060825 – Bucharest, Romania
By this Policy, we undertake to observe the principles of personal data protection (Principles) stipulated by Article 5 of GDPR, and we may assure you that all your personal data:
- Is correctly, legally and transparently processed;
- Is collected in the express and legitimated scopes specified;
- Is adequate, relevant and limited in related to the scopes for which it is processed;
- Is correct and updated;
- Is kept in a form which does not allow the identification of target individuals more than necessary related to the scope of processing;
- Is processed in conformity to the rights of target person, providing a proper security of processing, so as the data is integer, confidential and available.
Processing contact data
EUROSIC shall use the personal data of contact supplied on this website and the contact addresses mentioned, exclusively to process your demand commercially.
By supplying any personal data by the contact forms available on our website, you implicitly agree that your personal data is exclusively processed for the scope for which you have contacted us, in conformity to the disposals of this Policy of protection of personal data processing.
In order to provide the fullest conditions for the Security of your personal data, EUROSIC has adopted and maintains the entire range of technical and organisational relevant measures to process and store your personal data, in conformity to the disposals of General Rules. Your personal data may be submitted to third party entities, permanent collaborators of EUROSIC, only for a good development of specific services provided and our legitimate interests related to such activities, except for the situations when EUROSIC has a legal obligation to share such data with other institutions or authorities.
EUROSIC undertakes not to process personal data supplied through our commercial relations in other scope that for what it has been provided, except for the situation when we have your express consent to use it as well in other scopes related to commercial activity. Your personal data will be immediately deleted when you require this at the address
EUROSIC website is using Cookie identifiers. In order to understand the manner of using the cookies on this website, please read carefully the Cookie Policy.
EUROSIC may keep the personal data of contact processed for different periods of time, deemed reasonable, in conformity to our commercial scopes. The data you supply us by the order form on this website is kept until receiving a clear demand at the address
The execution of legal obligations governed by tax and commercial laws may need withholding certain personal data you have supplied us.
All clients, suppliers and partners whose personal data of contact we withhold as target persons have the following rights in conformity to the Articles 15 – 22 of GDPR:
- Right of access to data processed;
- Right to amend or delete data (“right to ignore”);
- Right to restrict processing;
- Right to data portability;
- Right to opposition;
- Right to withdraw consent on any moment;
- Right to submit complaint to competent supervision authority.
Any target person registered at EUROSIC may ask to exercise such rights by written message submitted to the address or by letter sent to the address of the seat EUROSIC SA, 46C, Fabricii st., District 6, 060825 – Bucharest, Romania
EUROSIC has invested in adopting technical and organisational measures of data processing, updated according to the requisites of GDPR, with a view to protect your personal data against any action of unauthorised access, improper use or reveal, unauthorised amendment, accidental destruction or loss. All EUROSIC employees and collaborators, as well as any third parties acting for and on behalf of EUROSIC have the obligation to observe the confidentiality of your personal data according to the disposals of this Policy.
EUROSIC website may include links to other websites and/or other web pages with intellectual property not property of EUROSIC. We undertake no responsibility related to the contents of such websites and, consequently, EUROSIC company cannot be held liable for the contents, publicity, goods, services, software, information and other materials available on or through such websites. EUROSIC will not be liable for the loss of personal data, for any negative effects on personal data of visitors or other moral and/or patrimonial damages caused by access to such websites.
Our visitors are asked to consider that this Policy is subject to periodical amendments of contents, as the updating of EUROSIC website. Consequently, it is necessary to check the Terms and Conditions of use of EUROSIC website for any update.