EUROSIC delivers about one thousand equivalent switchboard units every year. In order to achieve this goal we developed a complete business structure including all the needed elements, from marketing to the after sales.
The people of EUROSIC is our main resource and we organized it such as to respond in a very professional way to our costomers’ requirements.
Our front unit, the Sales Team is focused equaly to the domestic market and the exports too. They built strong business links with many important customers based on:
- good technical foundation
- creative marketing
- reactivity
- flexibility
In order to support the sales the Engineering Team has the mission to put into force its technical expertise and experience to ensure the most appropiate design for the application, in full respect with the international and local standards and with the customer’s specific needs. For this purpose we use advanced informatic tools and methods.
The Purchasing / Logistic Team is a very important link in our functional chain, being in charge with:
- purchasing the necessary materials and services from selected suppliers
- expedition and shipping our manufactured goods to the installation sites
- management of the stock and warehouse
- various logistic services
The Manufacturing Team is in charge with the assembly and wiring of the panels and boards. The well trained workers are the key factor that ensure the good quality of our products. They have at their disposal a workshop area of 1000 sqm, well equipped for this activity, with all the tools, utilities and specially:
- a modern crimp center, for manufacturing the wires and cables that link the internal panel devices
- a busbar manufacturing machine
- label printers and engraving tools
- specific panel builder tools
The Control Team supervises the quality of the manufacturing, based on the ISO certified QMS of the company.
All these units are linked together by the data & communication infrastructure of the company, created and maintained by the IT Management Team. By the means of this system we can:
- manage and control the manufacturing process flow in real time
- keep track of all relevant data
- link the separate resources in an integrated manufacturing process having superior efficiency